Now, the cells directly below D3 also subtract 5 from the numbers in C4 and C5.

Copy the formula in D3 to the other cells below it by selecting D3, clicking the bottom right corner of the cell and dragging it over the ones below as shown below. D3 will now subtract 5 from 25 in cell C3.
Then, select cell D3, enter the formula ‘ =C3-5‘ in the function bar and press the Return key.For example, enter the values ‘ 25,’ ‘ 35‘ and ‘ 55‘ in cells C3:C5.If you need to subtract a single value from each number within a cell range, you can copy the formula to other cells. Subtract One Number from Each Value within a Cell Range B5 will now return the value 200 as shown below. Input the formula ‘ =B3-B4‘ and press the Return key. Now, select cell B5 and click in the fx bar to enter a formula.